Rails Live Reload
rails_live_reload - a Rails live code reload for your views/JS/CSS.
any_login - forget about logins/passwords for your dev environments, just select the user you want to log in with and that's it.
Demo here.
Works with devise and other authentication gems.
unsplash_image - is very helpful for pre-populating you app with some high quality images.
Execution Time
execution_time - helps to accurately measure executed time for our code in the Rails console.
Active Storage Silent Logs
active_storage_silent_logs - reduces the amount of noise in the logs related to ActiveStorage gem.
Rails Time Travel
rails_time_travel - time travel inside you application with "timecop" gem using nice UI. With it you can open your data using different "current" date/time.
Wrapped Print
wrapped_print - easy way to nicely print information into the console (or file) by simply adding .wp
. It will print your object to the console and return it as usual.